Transformers: Age of Extinction Trailer

Transformers: Age of Extinction Trailer
1061 viewsThe first full trailer for Transformers: Age of Extinction has finally arrived, and there’s more than meets the eye. Stanley Tucci’s character Joshua has made an exciting discovery: he’s uncovered the rare metal that makes up the Transformers. Meanwhile, Cade Yeager, played by Mark Wahlberg, makes his own exciting discovery. He has an rusty, beat up old truck delivered to his place and reveals that it’s not a truck — it’s a Transformer. Secret agents soon descend on his farm looking for Optimus Prime. They’re not the only ones — a bounty hunter named Lockdown has been sent by an unknown force to destroy the Autobots and their leader, Optimus Prime. The invasion of Earth begins with the goal of bringing about the extinction of the human race. Optimus Prime and the Autobots must battle the Decepticons, and in this fourth installment of the franchise, they will have the help of Grimlock and the Dinobots.